Welcome to Kemp Mill Toastmasters
Kemp Mill Toastmasters meets weekly on Wednesday evenings at 8:00pm at Young Israel Shomrai Emunah, 1132 Arcola Ave., Silver Spring, MD 20902.
Kemp Mill Toastmasters is open to everyone and guest visits are encouraged!
To join Zoom meetings, go to https://us02web.zoom.us/j/986546841?pwd=V3FFOUh3QThLZFkvSnI2WXp4bTNQUT09 or go to zoom.us/join and enter the Meeting ID:
Wednesday, February 19 - INTERNATIONAL SPEECH CONTEST - In-person meeting, 8:00pm
Wednesday, February 26 - Zoom meeting, 8:00pm
Wednesday, March 5 - In-person meeting, 8:00pm
Wednesday, March 12 - Zoom meeting, 8:00pm
Wednesday, March 19 - In-person meeting, 8:00pm
Wednesday, March 26 - Zoom meeting, 8:00pm
2024 - 2025 Officers
Position | Name | |
President | Patrick Cuff | president@kempmilltoastmasters.com |
VP Education | Rohan Bhale | vpe@kempmilltoastmasters.com |
VP Membership | Debbie Katz | vpm@kempmilltoastmasters.com |
VP Public Relations | Aliza Blumenfeld | vppr@kempmilltoastmasters.com |
Secretary | Manasseh Katz | secretary@kempmilltoastmasters.com |
Treasurer | Laura Warshawsky | treasurer@kempmilltoastmasters.com |
Club Sergeant at Arms | Andy Jacobs | saa@kempmilltoastmasters.com |
For more information, please feel free to contact the President or any other officer.
Click here for more information about Toastmasters International.